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Free Sustainability Workshops -Breathe Better Air Project

Updated: Nov 27, 2023

We are really excited to share that we were recently awarded some funding by the Community Foundations for Lancashire and Merseyside to deliver our 'Breathe Better Air' Project - a community project to help the Knowsley and Merseyside residents to think about better choices each individuals can make to be more sustainable, and start making some small daily changes which will, in time, make a big collective difference.

This project comes from our wish to make our lives a little more sustainable, one step at a time.

And we thought, if we are thinking about it, maybe others are too - so why not do something together, as a community? Because facing challenges together, no matter how big or small, is more fun! The program has three main phases: Phase one, where we talk to students, elderly people, business owners and employees about the way they live, discussing little improvements we can all introduce in our daily lives - and then we all make a pledge to implement some changes as a school, or an office, or as a family. Phase two, we will bring in some experts and business owners who have made sustainability their mission, and they'll hold some workshops to help us stick to our pledge and make even more improvements towards a more sustainable lifestyle Phase three, where we will go back to everyone we initially spoke to, see which changes have they actually made and maintained, and what difference did it make in their lives/environment. We are looking for volunteers to take part, so if your office, community, school, or group is willing to give us 2x 90min sessions in return for hints and tips for a more sustainable way to live and treat our planet, please get in touche!

We will talk about:

* Sustainability

* Food Waste

* Upcycling

* Recycling

* Net Zero and Low Carbon emissions

*How our behaviour affects the planet and the lives of those around us

* What little changes can we implement, one by one, into our daily lives, in order to make a big collective difference.

Please get in touch on , instagram and twitter @clockstudio_pre , facebook Clockwork Studios CIC to find our more, or how oyur school/group/community can get involved.

We look forward to hearing from you!

The Clockwork Team

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